Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Unexpected Blessings

I just want to share with everyone how much God has been blessing me these past few weeks. I know that I have written about this before, but I think we can certainly be reminded. A few weeks ago God was pressing me to let somethings go and it took me awhile but I did it. It was until tonight that I realized this, but ever since then God has just showered me with unexpected blessings. I can't help but smile.....I'm smiling right now...If you could only see. hehe. He really does work in mysterious ways. I love this freedom that I have right now. The freedom to not be in control anymore! I love knowing that the King of Glory, Grace, Peace, and Mercy is the one in control of my life. It makes me feel loved.......

The Love of the Father is like a sudden rain shower that will pour forth when you least expect it, catching you up into wonder and praise.
Richard J. Foster

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Walkabout 2005

Alright so I finally got my pictures back from walkabout. As most of you know I am on leadership this year at Warner and as part of the initiation at the beginning of the year all of leadership goes on a 7 day backpacking trip up Mt. Adams. It is called walkabout. It was hard but on of the greatest experiences I have had in my life. God taught me so much throught the challenges I faced each day, and it really forced me to put all my trust in Him. It was so relaxing to be in the wilderness for a week. There was no internet or cell phone to worry about. One of things the I miss the most was falling asleep under the stars each night. So anyway here are the pictures!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Aren't they just the cutest! This is Barnabas and Aaron. They were getting all the air out of the tarp....I think they just wanted to hug.
So each day two different people lead the group to our next camp. This was Aaron and I when we were the leaders for the day and finally reached our camp. I have never been so happy to see a lake!
This was my WONDERFUL group! We had so much fun and really got to know eachother really, really well!
This was the last day after our 5 mile run. We were getting ready to head home!
This was the first day of hiking. That is Mt. Adams in the background. I climbed that! It had only been one day of not showering in this picture, so we don't look to nasty.