Monday, March 21, 2005

Rebecca and I during our long car ride to Spokane! Posted by Hello

The tourists up at the top of Dishman hills. Posted by Hello

Rebecca is ready for the long hike up the mountain, with her front pack. Posted by Hello

aww its Dan! oh and Rebecca and me.... Posted by Hello

Rebecca is putting a flower in my hair for the photo shot! Posted by Hello

Here Conner was trying to kill Rebecca and I.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Spokane or Bust!

Oh my goodness so in about 45 hours I will be on my way to Spokane! I don't know if I can make it that long...... I'm sitting at my desk trying to write a paper yet I keep finding myself staring out my window thinking about all the fun things I am gonna be doing! ahh I can't take it. Why do professors feel the need to give us more homework the week before spring break then they have the whole semester! Silly little Professors...What are they thinking. Oh how I wish I could fast forward through time to friday at 5pm when Rebecca, Tina, and Conner come to pick me up and we all bust out in song because we are so excited! hahaha.. oh that is a funny picture in my head I can see it now! hehe....I think if I had a super power, that's what I would want it to be....Okay well I better get back to that paper.......right my paper... kluvyabye.....

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Wedding

okay so I know this took me FOREVER! hehe...but hey I am a college student, I'm always busy with homework so give me a break. So here are just a few of the pictures from my brothers wedding. Yeah this is just a very, very, very small sample of all the pictures. The photographer took over 600 pictures. There is 6 discs of pictures and a DVD. WOW! But they are all amazing pictures. Anyway is was an amzaing day. I am so happy that my brother has found someone who is so genuine and gentle, just like him... he deserves the best!

I just found this picture of me and my brother. This was in the summer before he was married!  Posted by Hello

My family. With my new sister in-law! She looked beautiful.... Posted by Hello

Here is the whole wedding party. It was so beautiful! Posted by Hello